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This section looks at other types of summer vacations. The focus is still on saving, taking your holidays on a limited budget. The type of trip, however, may differ from the norm. While some of the suggestions are variations on a theme, others require physical stamina and/or dedication. Some require detailed preparation work; others are minimalist at best. These types of alternative summer holidays do not work for everyone.

The easiest alternative to a hotel holiday is a cruise. During the summer, you can frequently find different cruise ships offering various types of cruises. As with any resort deal, you have to shop around. The cost will depend upon where the ship is sailing and the type of package you opt for. Check out the net and see what you can find. Remember to factor in such things as off ship expenses and transportation to and from the sailing dock.

If you get seasick just looking at the water sloshing in the bathtub, you may want to try a different type of cruise – a railway cruise. While some of the offerings are day trips, others are more ambitious. The American Orient Express, for example, offers guests overnight accommodation on board. You can combine sightseeing with the comfort of a train. Other train services can take you across country. If you opt for a train pass, you can create your own version of a coast-to-coast holiday trip.

There are other trains that specialize in day trips to tourist spots. Local railway lines can and do take their passengers to American Civil War sites as well as along wine tours. These smaller tourist efforts are ideal for a day or evening trip. This applies whether you are operating from your home or touring the attractions near your hotel base. Check to see if you can find coupons and other reduced rates.

Staying home for your summer vacation is always an option. This can prove to be the cheapest and most relaxed vacation of all. You can spice it up by renting a pool or a hot tub. Make it your mission to explore your own region. You might be amazed at what you can find. Simply be a tourist in your own town. Look at it from a different perspective. It will save you on souvenirs, gifts and hotel expense. Your food costs will remain the same, although you really should splurge for special picnic items. Be sure to spend time at a nearby beach, lake, river, swimming pool or park. Go off on day or evening trips to other local attractions, theme parks or events.

There are other more adventurous outings. If you are into trekking and back packing, mold your trip around this option. It can be hard physically, but it is also a reasonably priced summer vacation. Be sure you do not stint on gear. Always be aware of, land issues, the weather and political and economic conditions of the region. Some places are more dangerous to back pack through than others. Check with local clubs for information on suitable places, hostels, and other pertinent information.

Some people combine their skills with their summer vacation. They do it in one of 2 ways. Thy may hire themselves out. They work on a cruise ship and explore the world or a region during their holidays. This makes it a profitable vacation. Along similar lines are those who sign up to work for little or no pay while they learn a skill. This is true for many who sail the tall ships. They learn a skill and enjoy what they like best.

The other type of adventure vacation combines learning, skills and philanthropy. You volunteer for a specific organization. In this way, you may go to foreign countries or depressed regions. You may also remain in the area and do local work. Organizations such as Habitat for Humanity and the Red Cross offer people the chance to use their skills. Check into what they can offer you and what you can offer them.